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Boucaut Dr Hilary

From Mallala
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Fast Facts
Type of person Individual

Date of arrival 1932
Date of departure 1947


Dr Hilary Ray Penn Boucaut, a South Australian who completed his medical degree at London Hospital, UK.

He came to Mallala in 1932 and practised there until 1947. It was at the time that when emergencies occurred Doctors had to improvise.The resourses were unavailable  and with no operating or obstetric facilities Doctors managed the situation with great enterprise.There was always someone who assisted the doctor by sprinkling the anaesthetic on gauze held over the patient's nose and mouth. Many operations took place on the kitchen table at the farm.

Pneumonia was treated with antiphlogestine and other poultices, infections treated with hot foments, and boils and bites with Bates salve. It was during Dr Boucaut's time that antibiotics were introduced to the district, firstly sulphur drugs, then the penicillin - and a new era of medicine began.

Dr Boucaut during the early days of the war was a captain in the Army, and later transferred to the RAAF as a flight lieutenant, and became medical officer at the Mallala Air Force station. He left Mallala in 1948. 


Dr.Hilary Ray Penn Boucaut
Dr.Hilary Ray Penn Boucaut
The surgery at the residence of Dr Hilary Boucaut in Mallala
The surgery at the residence of Dr Hilary Boucaut in Mallala

Memories of Boucaut Dr Hilary

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