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Water Supply

From Mallala
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Type of event Public Works

Town or locality Mallala

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The River Light provided an available water supply for the bullockies when they camped while on their journeys along the stock routes. The pastoralists and the settlers sought land near the water supply and were pleased it was replenished by natural springs. 

When Philip Butler brought flocks of sheep into the area he developed a homestead and he added outbuildings to provide for the needs of the shepherds and their families. For convenience other water sources were developed and the well was sunk, the underground tank was built and dams were dug.

With the establishment of settlements, towns and farming land there were many households requiring water. For each home a basic installation was the underground tank which was built of stone and then cemented.

On the farms the windmill or a horseworks drew water from the wells. The dams provided water in the paddocks for stock.

There were times of variable rainfall and when the stored water was not adequate it became necessary to pay for the water to be carted.

Many communities had similar problems and the Government decided  to build the Barossa Reservoir between 1899-1902. At the dam site 400 men were camped in tents and rough huts as they worked to build the wall with a length of 144 metres, a height of 28.6 metres and with the capacity to hold 4515 megalitres.

Gawler was supplied with the water and then the mains were laid to take reticulated water to Mallala and the adjacent areas.

Rockies Reserve
Rockies Reserve
Horse Teams carting water pipes
Horse Teams carting water pipes

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