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Grace Plains Church Jubilee

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Fast Facts
Type of event Celebration

Grace Plains Methodist Church

Street name Part Section 483 Huundred of Grace, Corner of Balaklava Road and Nairn Road,
Town or locality Grace Plains

Managed or hosted by Grace PLains Methodist Church trustees and congregation.
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Article from the "Observer" Adelaide S.A. 2nd November 1918.

Grace Plains Church Jubilee. Mallala, October 25.

The Grace Plains Church was the scene of great enthusiasm on October 13 and 16, when the jubilee of the church was celebrated. Invitations had been sent out to all the founders and early workers and more than 40 responded. They journeyed from all parts of the state and also from Victoria.

Two services were conducted on the Sunday by the Rev. John Dingle, a supernumerary, who had preached the first sermon at Grace Plains over 50 years previously. It was inspiring to watch the greetings and hand clasps of the old Christian veterans, many of whom had not met for years.

On the Wednesday a banquet, public meeting and supper were held, at which an exceptionally large number were present. This again gave the old friends an opportunity to revive old reminiscences. Perhaps the most impressive of all was the Public Meeting. Mr W. Webster of Victoria, one of the founders of the church, for 20 years superintendent of the Sunday School, and in whose house the first preaching service at Grace Plains was held, occupied the chair. On the platform were Messrs John, Charles, and Fred Marshman (also from Victoria), C.March (Balaklava), S. March (Kadina), all pioneers, D. Adams (for many years a local preacher), Rev. J. Dingle and Rev. C. M. Tresise (pastor of the circuit). Mrs J.G. Martin, the first organist in the Grace Plains Church, played the opening hymn which was read out from a hymn sheet used at the anniversary on April 14, 1872.

Mr.Tresise welcomed old friends, and Mr. A. V. Nairn, on behalf of the trustees, greeted the guests. Mr. A. March gave a short resume of the history of the old church (a new one was erected alongside the old building in 1910). The first service was conducted in Mr. Webster's house by Rev. J. Dingle. The church was built in 1868, and the foundation stone laid on July 1 by Mr. R. Marshman. The church was opened on November 1 for worship. The services were conducted by Revs. S. Keen and W. Richards of Gawler. Shortly afterwards a Sunday School was started and has never been closed. At present there is a fine Sunday School, well conducted, and with an up to date kindergarten. It has been estimated that 22 local preachers, the minister and a large number of teachers, has gone forth from the school.

Mr. J. Nairn presented a report on the new church which is an imposing building, capable of seating 200 persons and lighted with gas. It cost over 600 pounds, and was opened free of debt. There is a balance in hand of 3 pounds 18 shillings.

Then followed other addresses, happy reminiscences , tales of uphill struggles, prosperous times, great revivals, and so on. Anthems were contributed at intervals by the choir.

Related Articles


  • Mallala Museum information
  • The "Observer " newspaper Adelaide S.A.
Grace Plains Methodist Church
Grace Plains Methodist Church

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