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Formation of Grace Council

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Fast Facts
Type of event Commemoration

Town or locality Hundred of Grace
Date occurred or began January 1, 1970

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With the growth of settlements and the increase in wheeled traffic the people living in the area needed an improved road system.

The South Australian Government by legislation enabled local communities to establish a District Council to be responsible for local concerns.

A formal process was followed with petitions and a proclamation published in ‘The South Australian Government Gazette’.

The Petition

Chief Secretary’s Office, Adelaide, November 5, 1873

His Excellency the Governor directs the publication of the following petition for general information.

By command Arthur Blyth, Chief Secretary

Second publication

To His Excellency Anthony Musgrave, Esq.,C.M.G.

Governor- in- Chief in and over the Provinces of South Australia, and its Dependencies.

The petition of the undersigned inhabitants of the Hundred of Grace:

Humbly sheweth -

that your petitioners consider it an absolute necessity that the above Hundred should be made a district Council, as nearly as the whole of it is taken up for agricultural purposes, and the roads are very scrubby, and the greater portion of them require grubbing and repairing.

Your petitioners, therefore, beg that you will be pleased to declare all the portion of the Hundred of Grace (not included in the District of Port Gawler), a District Council, to be called the District of Grace.

Your petitioners also beg to nominate the following gentlemen to constitute the first Council -

Solomon Moody, J.P., William Bartlett, Samuel Chivell, George Marshman, and Brian McHugh.

And your petitioners, as in duty bound, will ever pray.

[List of 45 names follow]

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