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Dublin School

From Mallala
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Fast Facts
Type of organisation: Government
Also known as: Dublin School
Street number: Lot 59
Street name: South
Street suffix: Terrace
Town or locality: Dublin
Date established: 1881
Ceased operation: 1972
Established by: State Goverment
Business or purpose: Education
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In 1881 when the school commenced it was classified as a" Provisional School" and 25 children received instruction.The school was opened for 54 days and the teacher was William Moore.

The following year, in 1882, the school was known as a "Public School" with an enrolment of 48 pupils and  William Hayes was the teacher.

The Welfare  Club and the School Committee made every effort to keep the school well equipped and school fetes held at the Dublin Institute contributed to the fund raising efforts.

The traditional School Breakup Concerts were enjoyed by the community.

A few highlights noted by the School Committee

  • the planning and arrangements for interschool picnics and sports days
  • in 1954 a rose garden was established to commemorate the Queen's visit to South Australia
  • in 1954 Mrs P Barnes on behalf of the Dublin C.W.A.made a presentation of books to the value of nine pounds and one shilling
  • in 1955 two prints, one of the Queen in the Abbey, and the other of the Queen and the Duke,were purchased from Diamonds Rundle Street. Adelaide
  • in 1955 a second teacher was appointed but Miss Dawn Harvey's time at the school was minimal ( March- May ) due to her departure because of ill health
  • in 1956 swimming lessons were conducted at Port Wakefield
  • in May 1956 a set of encyclopaedia was presented to the school by five former pupils or parents of the pupils namely-Messrs S.West, L.Thompson, H Schlodder , W.Bubner and Mr Norris
  • in October 1957 a cricket pitch was laid in the school paddock

Teachers of the Dublin School

Teacher Arrival Departure
Moore, William 1881
Hayes, William 1882
Johnson, John F 1/1/1883 31/12/1891
McCaffrey, Bernard A 1/1892 22/5/1892
Burnett, Constance M 23/5/1892 31/12/1892
Luke, William 1/1/1893 2/6/1895
Sandercock, A M 3/6/1895 31/12/1897
Von Nida, L 1/1/1898 15/9/1898
Frances, P W 26/9/1898 14/4/1900
Parnell, R M 15/4/1900 6/4/1902
Sunman, M A C 7/4/1902 25/11/1908
Garret, M 26/11/1908 31/12/1908
Patterson, E 1/1/1909 31/12/1916
Roberts, H E 1/1/1917 31/12/1933
Shapley, E R 1/1/1934 31/12/1935
Judd, R W 1/1/1936 31/12/1941
Ewers, W D 1/1/1942 26/3/1944
Griggs, E R 27/3/1944 12/6/1950
McRostie, K H 13/6/1950 31/12/1953
Salter, J E 1/1/1954 27/5/1957
Cullen, B C 28/5/1957 31/12/1960
Reskie, T N 1/1/1961 31/12/1964
Gross, R E 1/1/1965 31/12/1965
Cox, W D 1/1/1966 31/12/1968
Vaughan, P W 1/1/1969 31/12/1971

The photograph of the sundial is included in the article because it recognises the closure of the Dublin School.

The sundial is installed at the Mallala School with engravings to show the distance, the date of closure and direction that the Dublin School was in relation to Mallala.

The Dublin History Group are currently researching the histories of the former, Dublin, Long Plains, Lower Light, Stony Point, Windsor,and Wild Horse Plains schools. *Historical Cairns made from local limestone, have been erected on the verges of all the school sites by Jeffrey Starr both a Dublin resident and former Dublin school student.  *For further information phone 8529 2028 or email info@dublinhistorygroup. com au   *  

On the Stony Point School site is a limestone cairn which was erected as an initiative of the Mallala Museum Committee and assisted by a grant from the District Council of Mallala. The stone mason was Irvine Smyth from Two Wells.

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Memories of Dublin School

some of my memories of my school days were the cold days walking to school having wet shoes and our ration of milk getting heated in a large stockpot with milo yum !!! can anyone remember whether it was Mr Resche wife or Mr Cullen's wife ???

Do you remember Dublin School ? Then Join up and add your memory here.

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